Thursday, March 01, 2007

change of address

I didn't really keep my promiss to continue this blog...
But I've done something else instead: started a new one.

You can find out news about me on!


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I’m back home... but is it home?

After a Romanian party, Information meetings, Farewell parties and way to Warsaw...

The airplane landed Saturday, at 13:45 in Otopeni. My mom and dad were there waiting, Dee and Pop as well. Everybody was speaking Romanian and I felt strange that all of a sudden I could understand what people around me say.

Yesterday I got back in Bucharest, moved in the new flat. Attended one class (the information systems audit) and I remembered how it is to hate school and teachers. Went to Carrefour to do some shopping. There are so many cars on the roads and they don’t respect the traffic lights, the air is too polluted, there are too many people on the street.

For 3 months, I got used to live everything in smaller, different and now it’s so damn hard to readapt. My friends are happy to see me but I’m not happy to be here... I don’t like it so from this moment on, I’ll do my best to accept how Bucharest is. I know I used to love it before...

Anyway, I’ll enjoy giving presents, spending time with my friends and telling stories about my beautiful Polish summer.

Maybe the trip to Hungary will ease this path... I don’t know exactly how... but I’ll see!

PS: I won’t close this blog, so you are free to visit it once in a while and check how’s my time back home...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Weekend of Angels

I spent my past weekend visiting beautiful places, full of history. First came Olsztyn – our host city for the past 2 months. But until now we didn’t find the time to visit it. This Saturday, the new trainee form Hong Kong made us move and see how beautiful it is.

In the evening, a party took place, in one of the most popular clubs in the city. All the new trainees were there and 2 AIESECers, as the others had left in the AutoCo. I even succeeded in convincing an alumnus to come, in spite of the pessimism of the ones that knew him. I didn’t know him so maybe that was my success secret.

On Sunday, another beautiful city was to be visited. On Saturday night, before the party, I convinced Lee and Anna to join me in my trip to Torun. There, we met Alexandra and we began our new day.

We fed the pigeons, visited a church, stayed for the beginning of the service in another big church, took pictures, saw the City Museum, climbed up in the tower on the old Town Hall, visited Copernicus’ house, the Teutonic Castle’s ruins, the Under a Star house, the Theatre, the University, the interesting architectural prison downtown, and the Leaning Tower with his fabulous legend. This tower leans gently to the north and the legend says that on their first date, the guy brought the girl to this tower and asked her to stand against it’s leaning wall. If the girl succeeded to stand for 3 minutes, he knew she’s a virgin. I don’t see the connection but who knows what miraculous energies support this idea.

In the evening, my legs were hurting like hell and all my body was so tired I thought I’ll fall. I didn’t though.

The sky was blue, the leaves of the trees were just starting to consider the option of flying because of the autumn and the people were walking their heads up, smiling for the beautiful day. It was, without any doubts, a weekend to remember.

i surely am romanian

During the past few days, in almost all my conversations with Romanian friends all over the world, the issue of Romania’s integration in the EU was mentioned and discussed.

Finally, yesterday, 26th of September, the Commission Report for Bulgaria and Romania was released. And YES, both countries will join EU on 1st of January 2007. There are still many things to improve, some other things to get rid of and a lot more to be changed in people’s minds. But we’ll get there and we can celebrate this.

There’ve been too many years when people were wonderring if Romania is part of Europe. One of the biggest foolishnesses I have ever heard, as from the moment when you first learn geography, you can discover that Romania is right in the south central part of Europe, if you consider Europe to spread from the Atlantic Ocean until the Ural Mountains.

You can find some of the rows in the international media of today above:

Romania and Bulgaria have welcomed the announcement that they will be admitted to the EU in January 2007, albeit under strict conditions.

Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev said the move was the final fall of the Berlin Wall for his nation.

His Romanian counterpart, Calin Tariceanu, said his people should be proud of themselves.

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said both countries had made enough progress to join the union.

But they will be checked for progress in curbing organised crime and corruption, and ensuring food safety and the proper use of EU funds.

The conditions are tougher than those imposed on previous new members.

'Remarkable transformation'

The commission's report confirms that after seven years of talks, Bulgaria and Romania are able to take on the rights and obligations of EU membership.

Reading the report, Mr Barroso said the two nations' entry would be a "historic achievement".

"Bulgaria and Romania have carried out an extraordinary reform process and they have gone through a remarkable transformation," he said.

The two countries missed out on the EU's big eastward expansion in 2004, which saw the EU grow to 25 member states.

Correspondents say they will be delighted that they can get in on schedule before Mr Barroso puts a block on further expansion.

Both countries will have to report every six months on progress in fighting corruption.

By March, they also need to set up agencies to handle millions of euros worth of EU farm aid, or risk losing a quarter of the cash.

Both will face food export bans due to the prevalence of animal diseases like swine fever, while Bulgarian planes could be banned from flying into EU airspace until the country improves its air safety standards.

There could also be restrictions on migration to other EU countries for up to three years.


An EU official said the commission did not want to punish Bulgaria and Romania, but to make them work harder to carry out reforms.

Another interesting thing that I've discovered while reading my BBC Newsletter, was the Quiz that BBC prepared for the readers to check how well one knows the first thing about the two next EU countries. It’s a quiz with 10 questions on history, sport, culture and wildlife. I took the quiz myself and the result was of 7 right answers – I definetely have to read more about Bulgaria:)

Check it out by clicking here!!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

On the Edge Between Dreams and Nightmares

One never thinks about how a dream can become true in a living nightmare, before it actually happens.

When I first saw the pink house I was supposed to live in for 3 months I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was my dream ever since I was 3 to live in a pink house. The weeks kept on passing and so did more stupid rules that made the pink dream house become an awful place to live in. I can give you some examples of these rules:

  • no showers after 23:00 – excellent after a party or a weekend out of town;
  • washing clothes in the washing machine but not more than once a month and before 8:30 in the evening;
  • not allowed to start or turn off the washing machine;
  • they took our clothes off the drying place and left there just our underwear – pretty embarrassing;
  • must leave the windows open when we are not home, even if frogs kept on getting in. If not, they entered in our room and opened them;
  • use of the hot water (shower + washing hands, face, brushing teeth) no longer than 5 minutes;
  • turn off the light on the hole way to the bathroom before 23:00;
  • turn off the light on the exit hole way where we had our shoes, before 7:40 am.

These are the most annoying ones that I remember now. Most of them were told to us just by using body language or small pieces of paper with written hours, as the landowners didn't speak English.

Anyway, we accepted many of them and paid the huge rent, just because we were told we can stay there till the end of our traineeship, not having to move out on 1st of October, how it happens usually for the rooms rented in the summer.

BUT, on Wednesday, after the meeting that Ewel (VPPD&X) had with the landlords we found out we’d have to move out from there on 29th of September and that they want the money for this month. That was the end of our limits. So the next moment we decided to pack all our stuff the same evening, and leave the flat the next morning. Where to go? We had no idea but we knew for sure we want to leave that nightmare house.

Yesterday morning, we moved all our stuff to our LCP’s room and went to work. Once we got at work, our office colleague told us that his brother has a big free room and that he can bring some beds for us, that we can see the place after work and even move in there. So we did.

The new landlords are a nice couple in their 20s. They live in a 4 rooms flat, with another guy, a cat and a rabbit. We have our room equipped with a TV (totally fabulous for us, as we hadn't seen one in 2 months, since we’re here) and can use all the other facilities. No rules were implied yet. Hope they will be intelligent rules, at least.

It was amazing to come yesterday to work and listen to my colleagues telling me about the options they thought about for us. Each of them made his phone calls or at least cared and showed interest in our sorrow. Maybe they don’t talk English when we drink coffee in the morning and just resume their discussions with us to the main idea of the conversion, but I know they have a heart and are not afraid to use it. I’m wondering if back at home, there are as many people ready to help a foreigner that faces problems like ours.

There will always be different people: tall or short, nice or unkind, smart or dumb. Anywhere you go, whatever you do. But it’s just up to you which ones you choose to remember and cherish and what you want to see in them.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pieces of Heaven

Sea, soft yellow sand, sunrays, seagulls, wind, forest, road, silence, blue sky, friend...

My two days spent in the little Sztutowo in the start of a peninsula that waters in the Baltic Sea, brought the peace and relax I was so longing for.

What can be better than seeing the smile on a friend’s face when you meet in the middle of the road after you had got off the bus at the wrong station? Or to receive a warm hug and a kiss on a cheek that will make stretch your back after a long trip sitting on a not so comfortable bus place? Don’t you love it when a friend you’ve just seen three times offers you a cup of hot coffee, sugar and milk to go with it and asks what do you want to do for the 2 days you will spend together?

Then, he gets the car and takes you to the beach, to feel the softest yellow sand you’ve ever seen in your life on your cold feet. He tells you about the perfect place to live that he dreams about... you have a chat about your childhood times, about future plans, about what excites you nowadays and the things you’d lost interest in or just about your present worries and dreams. You want to try the water with your feet and he smiles when you run away cause the water is too cold for you.

Then, he will choose the best fish to eat... while having lunch, you talk AIESEC systems, not in complicated strategic phrases, but in a personal way. You go back at his home and try to choose a movie. You watch one the most stupid movies ever but have fun predicting the end. You are almost always right and he doesn’t like it. Then you watch the second one, which he had already seen so you start asking questions, too many questions. He doesn’t lose his nerve and you like that.

In the evening, you fry some chips and while drinking a tea you share secrets. You both remember the far places where you met and the crazy times of the past summer. Your eyes are too tired to stay open and he asks you if you want to go to sleep. In the door of your room he tells you he’ll go to church in the morning and you ask if you can join him.

You wake up and enjoy the strong sun that enlightens your bed. You get off the stairs and find him in front of the computer... you are both ready so you leave. The church is full of people. Why are they all sad? - you ask yourself. You stay there and just follow what the other people do. You wish for something from God when he tells you that’s the moment to do so. The service finishes and you both leave home chatting about religion.

You have breakfast and he insists to prepare it by his own. You help him with the coffee not to feel useless around there. In the afternoon he takes you to the end of the peninsula to enjoy the marvelous view. You admire the beautiful forest, the nice wind on the sea, his stories about the environment in the area or the high-school times and just play your legs like a child.

You sit on the sand of the beach while he returns the same questions you asked him a night before. But unlike you, he already knows the answer. You look at the people around; you talk or just enjoy the sound of the mild waves.

You get home and you get scared of his dog barking at you so he smiles and get off the car to open the gate. He shows you the music he likes and you copy some of it on your MP3 player. He offers you some postcards his father made and you ask him to write something on one of them. You have to close your eyes while he does that cause he wants you to do that. You read it and it’s just what you thought it will be and you tell him that. You both smile.

He walks you to the bus station and advises you to try the best ice cream in the area. You don’t feel like it. He hopes you’ll find a place to sit. The bus arrives full of people with luggage, standing even on the stairs. He gives you a hug and says you’ll meet again in some weeks. The doors close. He smiles and waves a hand. His wish comes true cause you sit on the stair of the bus. A dirty place but pretty comfortable considering the crowded bus.

You watch the road through the dirty glass of the window. You feel the warmth of the two days in your heart. You really love how your friend smiles shy when he hides some mystery, or when he chews his nails, when he rubs his thin hand because he’s cold, when he plays in the sand, when he runs to answer the phone or when he offers his help when you almost fell while putting your shoes on. You love his not perfect teeth and hope he won’t ruin them by making them perfect. You love these little, normal things and you love your friend more than ever. It’s one of those few people you’ll always love, asking for nothing in return, just for what they are. You’ll always feel his joys or sorrows and you’ll always want to move even the mountains from their place if he would need you.

Is there anything more pure in this world than having a friend you love to hear him just being?

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Story of the 3 Time Travelers and the 10 Kilograms

Nowadays it seems that the time runs too fast. Sometimes, people say they feel like prisoners of the time.

Yesterday, me and my other roommates, decided to have a trip back in time. So, we dressed in some traditional medieval costumes, specific to Warmia and Mazury Region, where we have our internships.

To begin with, we chose a color. I chose the red costume cause it seemed the most happy one. Then we started dressing: first came the tutu – the many white laced skirts to cover our legs – they had like 3 kilos I guess; the large long skirt followed – one kilo added; seconds later, we put up the long sleeves shirt that was really tight; a waistcoat came right after that and last, but not least, came the short skirt to give some more volume to all the costume.

I put on the red boots that matched perfectly the entire outfit. I fixed my hair as Ewel told us that the women in those times used to wear it.

And now, the photo shooting was to start. People were looking at us with smiles on their faces. But the best thing that happened was Ewel’s idea: to go on the tennis playground and ask please some guys to borrow us some racquets to play some tennis and make a mixture between old and modern times. Although we didn’t consider ourselves very sexy in those clothes, the guys agreed instantly.

After all this fun, I put on my normal 21st century clothes and in a matter of seconds, I felt like flying. I’m not a fashion victim but I prefer wearing lighter clothes and not a lot of kilos.

All in all, it was a very nice experience that I will remember for a long time (maybe because it was also my first time playing tennis:)) and I must admit the traditional Warmia and Mazury clothes are really beautiful.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Geniuses must never die

I just wanted to share with you my friends, a short movie (not so short actually, 1h15'), about one of the modern geniuses of this mad world!

It's about Salvador Dali and a life of colors.

"Intelligence without ambition is just as a bird without wings"