Monday, July 24, 2006

Falling in love...

It's been a week since I'm here and I like it more and more.

In the weekend we decided to visit Gdansk so we contacted Bagdan to tell him we plan to pay him a visit. A proactive person like him, learning about our welcome party on Friday evening, decided to get the train and come to Olsztyn for the party.

So on Friday evening all of us went clubbin'. After long researches, we finally found a club where we could enter - no club cards or special outfit requiered. It's not a fabulous club but it's ok. I prefere Twice in Bucharest though. Twice it's also cheaper. Here we had to pay 5 zl for the entrance, 1 zl for the wardrobe and 0,5 zl for the toilette. Strange but true.

We got home at 4 am, got up at 6 am to catch the bus to Gdansk and continued our sleep on the bus. We arrives in Gdansk with a 1 h and a half delay because of the rod under construction.

We started our sightseeing with some shopping. Nice start I'd say as I bought a swimming costum from the first shop I entered. It's pink and it has a buterrfly on it:))

We visited the old town with the golden gate, the old city hall, the St. Mary church and many others. After a few hours in Gdansk I felt my mind all free of worries and stress... I felt like singing and jumping but the peace and relax was stopping me to do that. Narrow streets with old buildings, all having lots of colored flowers at their windows and balconies, little street shops with silver and amber jewells, nice teraces serving fish dishes and cold beer.

In the evening we left for Sopot and his beautiful beaches as Bogdan said. We took a walk on the beach, watched the see from a dock, felt the soft sand on our feet and promissed to come back the next day.

So on Sunday morning we were in Sopot, looking for a terrace to eat "lunch-breakfast": cabbage soup, a sort of "sarmale" - rolled cabbage leaf with meat and rice and patotoes. The sandy beach was waiting for us. Our feet were just sinking in the thick coat of sand. The water is like 20 degrees I think so we had our bath in the Baltic sea. The sun is not burning so badly as in Mamaia and the breeze is not so strong. A wonderful weekend in a wonderful scenary.

For me, Gdansk and Sopot are now simply the best. Paris, Vienna, Venice, Budapest, Bucharest please don't get mad at me...

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